sábado, 29 de enero de 2011



Sigueme en 'tumblr'...


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jueves, 27 de enero de 2011

SKINS (UK) [Season 5] - Download

SKINS [UK] - Season 5 [Gen 3]

NEXT EPISODE: 5x02 - Rich[2/3/2011]
Rich utiliza su gusto por la música extrema para esconderse del mundo, especialmente de las chicas, para no sentirse acorralado. Pero cuando Alo encuentra a la mujer perfecta para Rich, él se ve obligado en asociación con Grace, para aprender como se liga con las chicas. Grace tiene que aprender las formas del metal para hacerse pasar por una chica metalera, pero Rich no lo pone fácil, negándose a creer que una chica corriente pudiese entenderle. Finalmente Rich aprecia el significado del compromiso y permite a Grace entrar en su mundo, pero que se rompan el corazón no está tan lejos…


5x01 : "Franky" [1/27/2011]
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190MB [Subtitulado]
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viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

In movies...

When humans die:

When animals die:

When Dobby dies:

When it seems as though a bunch of plastic toys are going to die:
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jueves, 20 de enero de 2011

Harry Potter – Deathly Hallows [Pt.2] – 1eras Imágenes Promocionales

Bueno, por último pero no menos importante, les dejo las primeras 2 imágenes ‘oficiales’ de la 2da y Ultima Parte de Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Creo, sin lugar a duda, que el estreno de esta película será de los momentos más importantes de este año, ya que es el fin de una era que duro 10 años.

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Nintendo & Pokémon – ‘Black & White’ & ‘Nintendo 3DS’ en América

Primero lo primero—que realmente no publique muchas cosas importantes que ocurrieron el año pasado—A finales del 2010 Nintendo anuncio que las versiones ‘Black’ & ‘White’ de Pokémon serian lanzadas el 6 de Marzo (del ahora presente año) en América.

En cuanto a la nueva consola de Nintendo: ‘Nintendo 3DS’...

...el día de ayer, Nintendo anuncio que el 3DS será lanzado al mercado de los Estados Unidos el Domingo 27 de Marzo a 249.99 Dólares. Nintendo también anuncio que más de 30 títulos para el 3DS serán lanzados entre el lanzamiento de la consola en Marzo y Junio. El 3DS, como su nombre lo implica, es el siguiente Nintendo DS e incluirá características con gráficos en 3era Dimensión sin la necesidad de lentes.

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True Blood - Season 4 Teaser: 'Season Of The Witch'

Feliz Navidad!, Feliz Año Nuevo 2011!, Feliz Día de Reyes! & Feliz Cumpleaños Buffy..!!

Okay, se que paso mucho tiempo desde la última vez que actualice el Blog, pero fue un fin de Año complicado en lo personal, pero tal y como dijo Buffy al final de esta interminable Octava Temporada (que duro 4 años): ‘Hay que Trabajar’.

Preparándonos para lo que se viene este 2011, le dejo un ‘Teaser’ promocionando la 4ta temporada de la Fangtastica serie de ‘True Blood’, titulada: ‘Season of the Witch’ (Temporada de las Brujas).

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 8 #40: 'Last Gleaming', Pt.5 - Download

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season [Finale] 8 #40: 'Last Gleaming', Part 5

Escrito por Joss Whedon & Scott Allie, dibujado por Georges Jeanty, entintado por Andy Owens y coloreado por Michelle Madsen.


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"So, Our Endless Season Ends...

We've Slaughed, we've cried, we've thrown up a little in out mouths, but most of all we've learned. Not you guys--us. We've learned what you like, what you don't, how this TV show translated to the world of comics, and how it didin't quite. We've lost a few fans along the way and, hopefully, gained a few. I can't say exactly how much has changed, in our lives or our work. The Only thing tha's certain is this: all of us involved in this venture, without exception, have weirder-looking hair.

If you've read this issue, you've got a sense of where we're heading for season 9. Back, a bit, to the everyday trials that made Buffy more than a superhero. That made her us. I was so excited to finally have an unlimited budget that i wanted to make the book an epic, but I realized along the way that the things I loved the best were the things you loved the best: the peeps. The down-to-earth, recognizable people. And Mecha-Dawn. (She has a tail!) So that's what we'll try to evoke nexte season--along with the usual perils, and a few new ones, of course.

Every season of Buffy had a different intent, and a different set of challenges, from wich to build. The biggest challenges in season 8 was that many years ago I wrote a Slayer comic and set it in the far future so that it could never affect Buffy's life. I was so young. But the challenge o reconciling the optimistic, empowering message of the final episode with the dystopian, Slayerless vision of Fray's future gave Season 8 a genuine weight. There is never progress without hateful, reactionary blowback. That's never been more apparent that in today's political scene in America. The mission was to deal with the consequences of Buffy and Willow's empowering spell (the good and the terrible), steer toward a possible Fray future without undoing all the good Buffy had done (the girls still have their power), and tee us up for a very different Season 9. Some adjustments had to be made along the way, particularly when I completely changed my plan for Season 9. I changed it for the reasons stated above. No matter how interesting the world stage or mystical dimensions can be, Buffy's best when she's walking that alley, dusting vamps, and nursing a pouty heart.
We're not going back to square one, but our square will definitely hav a oneishness to it. It should be nice, after the wild ride that was Season 8--not always perfect, but made with love and delight that i think shine trough.

The people who need to be thanked really deserve more that just thanks--but we're all too scattered for the inappropiate touching required to convey my gratitude and occasional awe. Scott Allie is why there are editors. Smart, patient, pushy when it's time to be pushy--straddling the minutiae and the Big Picuture in a way any show runner would envy. Georges--no book without Georges. If I didin't make the smoothest transition from TV to comics, he sure as hell did. He drew wonderful likenesses that never felt like portraits, and panels that were dynamic, funny, and emotional.... No one could have evoked the ethos of the show better. Jo Chen's covers make me cry. I won't say more, or I'll cry.

If I start listining the writers, this wil be longer that the comic. But Drew Goddard writes the stuff I wish I had. Brad Meltzer writes like he was on the staff for all seven years (and is a nut for structure, wich helped more than I like admitting). Jane Espenson, Brian K. Vaughan.... Wait, didin't I just promise not to do this? Everyone brought such love and talent to the table, writers and artists and inkers and colorists and lettereres and editors I've left in the cold (sorry, Sierra) in order to wrap this up.... The point is, this has been a long, strange trip, but it worked (when it did) because so many overqualified souls poured themselves into it. I'm grateful.

I'm grateful to the guys at IDW, particularly Chris Ryall and Brian Lynch, for handling the Angel series with such passion and hiliarity, and for being kind and cooperative when I decided the two universes needed to be under one roof.

And I'm grateful o you guys, for coming on the ride. I promise it won't get smoother. We've got a lot of new-and old-friends along, some new titles, and a bunch of limited series.... It's nuts; I'm exhausted by the end of Season 8. So why am I so giddy about Season 9?

Maybe I'm a fan."


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lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

SKINS (US) [Season 1] - Download

SKINS [US] - Season 1

NEXT EPISODE: 1x03 - Chris
Chris decides to throw a party when his mom leaves for the weekend.



1x02 : "Tea" [1/24/2011]
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190MB [Subtitulado]
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1x01 : "Tony" [1/17/2011]
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190MB [Subtitulado]
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